A Moment to Celebrate


Christmas Greetings from Pastor

By Pastor Don Hamsher on December 18th, 2017


Tis the Season to be Jolly!

With all the hustle and bustle going on around us, we must remember why we are celebrating.

We have so much to be thankful for!

But for many of us we must keep our minds off the headline news and our eyes upon the One who was born of the virgin in Bethlehem! The One who has made all things possible!
As we take time to think about everything that has taken place over the last year, we surely can look back and see how much the Lord has Blessed every one of us. In these moments of reminiscing over 2017, I am reminded of how the Lord will direct our steps, if we allow Him to do just that. Even to the point that while I was at the funeral of a loved one, He used me to bring the salvation of Christ to another loved one, and again on a weekend vacation, the Father placed me in the exact time and location to pray with a homeless man to give his heart to the One who died for him. Then just a few weeks ago, He placed me once more in another Divine appointment to lead a dying man to Christ before he took his last breath. God is so good! All we must do is keep our eyes on Him, and He will lead the way to righteousness. So many times, we seek the direction of the Lord, and He is right here by our side, ready to guide us at every moment. His promises are always true and never forgotten.

This is more than just the time of the year to celebrate the Christmas season, it is also a time to recognize that each one of us are called to become the very reason to celebrate. Christ has done so much for us that we can never repay Him, but what we can do is share the wonderful joy that He has given to us, so that the free gift of everlasting peace can be shared by all we come in contact with. Then they too may find the real reason for why we celebrate. Our greatest emotion of joy comes from sharing the Good News of our eternal salvation, and His Name is Jesus, the One who loved us first.

We all yearn for that special place each one of us desires to abide. The place where time stops, and everything around us melts away. When we are in an atmosphere in which we can experience the breathtaking Glory of heaven. It’s that moment when all we are familiar with vanishes, a moment that has no beginning and has no end, and we are ushered to that most beautiful Heavenly place in all of eternity. The very place where angels dwell in the Glory of the Lord, as the Heavenly choir sings……Glory to God in the Highest!

And peace to His people upon the earth, the ones in whom He favors!

This “moment” in time, which seems like hours or even days, where the Peace of the Lord rests upon you like you are floating in the air, and you are filled with a Joy that convinces you to forget about all your worldly troubles. This Heavenly place where nothing around you seems to matter, except the love of the Father, which becomes the very atmosphere in which you are now present, for this moment in time, and suddenly all your worries are now forgotten. Even the air in which you breathe fills you with excitement, as the Glory cloud appears to be everywhere that you can see, and now becomes everything that you feel!

What a most beautiful place that the Savior has created for us to dwell.

The Christ Child come to this world to prepare this place for us, that He may also be the Way in which we get there!

Holy…….Holy…..Holy….is His Name!

This is the very reason why we celebrate the Christmas Season! So let us celebrate in a way that reaches those around us. That they also may receive the joy that fills a heart with a peace that passes all understanding.

Love to all and Christmas Blessings,

Pastor Don